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Everyone thought Sam and Naomi were just *adorable* on First Dates Ireland last night


LAST NIGHT’S FIRST Dates Ireland left people smiling from ear to ear, as usual.

samfd Source: RTÉ Player

naomifd Source: RTÉ Player

Amongst the couples were tour guide Sam and Naomi from Dundalk – and it was one of those wonderful instances where they were equally matched in quirkiness.

So of course, viewers were rooting for them from the get go.

Sam immediately endeared himself to the audience when he confessed that he made “8 cups of tea” that morning

teabuzz Source: RTÉ Player

Out of nervousness, you know?

“I just kept on absent-mindedly making myself cups of tea so I’m just coming down off that tea buzz now.” LOL.

And Naomi admitted that she was a bit of a “spacer”

naomifd2 Source: RTÉ Player

Which she proved almost immediately by struggling to open the restaurant’s door. But it was OK though, because Sam greeted her moments later with an “Oh wow.” *melts*

He basically had her roaring laughing from the word go

laughing Source: RTÉ Player

Always a good sign.

Conversation quickly turned to more serious matters, however

sam and naomi Source: RTÉ Player

Sam: “Do you think you’d like to die in Ireland?”
Naomi: “You said you wouldn’t ask about long term plans!”

And later, also Sam: “How do you feel about the North? Do you think we’ll ever have a 32 county Republic?”

Which lead to them cracking out an old Irish toast

bas in eirinn Source: RTÉ Player

“Bás in Éirinn!” = “May you die in Ireland”.

Not the kind of sentiment you’d expect on a first date, but neither of them seemed to mind.

To everyone’s delight, Sam and Naomi agreed to see each other again – and according to the update, they went on a “pub crawl” after the show:

sam naomi Source: RTÉ Player

We hope it works out for these two crazy kids.

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TG4′s answer to Planet Earth aired last night and nobody could believe it was really Ireland>

We need to talk about the new Mace ad with the orange heads>

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